Although the usual and primary target for my articles are high-impact JCR economics journals, I also dedicate part of my time to publishing in local and non-specialized outlets as well as to the production and edition of academic books. The first versions of my papers are usually available in the working paper series of Economics for Energy and of the UV Department of Applied Economics.
Alberto Gago, Xavier Labandeira, José M. Labeaga, Xiral López-Otero Hacienda Pública Española. Review of Public Economics, 236: 101-136 (2021) Selected as best published paper in the journal during 2021 (Alexandre Pedrós award)
Energy Taxation, Subsidy Removal and Poverty in Mexico
Alberto Gago, Xavier Labandeira, Xiral López-Otero
Villar-Ezcurra, M., Milne, J., Ashiabor, H., and Skou-Andersen, M. (eds) Environmental Fiscal Challenges of Cities and Transport. Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham (2019)
Free Allocation Rules in the EU Emissions Trading System: What does the Empirical Literature Show?
Anil Markandya, Xavier Labandeira, Ana Ramos
Ansuategi, A., Delgado, J., Galarraga, I. (eds) Green Energy and Efficiency. An Economic Perspective. Springer, Heidelberg (2014)
Transport and Low-carbon Fuel: A Study of Public Preferences in Spain
Xavier Labandeira, Pedro Linares
Galarraga, I., González-Eguino, M., Markandya, A. (eds) Handbook of Sustainable Energy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2011)
Alberto Gago, Xavier Labandeira, Fidel Picos, Miguel Rodríguez
Martínez-Vázquez, J., Sanz, J.F. (eds) Fiscal Reform in Spain: Accomplishments and Challenges. Edward Elgar, Northamptom (USA) (2007)
Microsimulation in the analysis of Environmental Tax Reforms: An Application for Spain
Xavier Labandeira, Miguel Rodríguez, J.M. Labeaga
Spadaro, A. (ed) Microsimulation as a Tool for the Evaluation of Public Policies: Methods and Applications. Fundación BBVA, Madrid (2007)
Xavier Labandeira, Miguel Rodríguez
De Miguel, C., Labandeira, X., Manzano, B. (eds) Economic Modelling of Climate Change and Energy Policies. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2006)