Xavier LabandeiraI spend a great deal of time trying to disseminate the conclusions of my research and to foster the transfer of knowledge related to energy and environmental economics. That is why I have promoted the creation of Economics for Energy, a research center that specializes in the economic analysis of energy issues. I firmly believe in the utility of workshops in spreading knowledge among concerned agents, which justifies my rather intense activity in this field. I also try to accept invitations to give seminars and to advice public or private entities in energy and environmental matters. Additionally, whenever possible, I collaborate with the media and write in the blog of Economics for Energy and tweet in specialized topics within my expertise.

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Fiscalidad ambiental: se agotan las excusas y el tiempo para actuar
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Environmental taxation in Spain: Running out of excuses and time to act
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El catedrático vigués Xavier Labandeira entra en el Consello Económico e Social
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El turismo balear ante el espejo del cambio climático
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La proliferación de impuestos autonómicos a las renovables pone en guardia al sector
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La desigualdad se tiñe de verde: la vida sostenible no es para todos los bolsillos
El País, 27-01-2024
Labandeira, encargado de la difusión del trabajo de los economistas ambientales de la UE
Faro de Vigo, 16-01-2024